The  Stand Up Teardrop 

©   2006, 2007  by Man of the Cloth Productions

This design is under © copyright 11/ 1/2006.  

Please contact me if you are interested in developing the Stand Up Teardrop design.


Is is possible to design a Teardrop that has an area for a stand-up dressing room or private porta-poti use?  This Stand Up Teardrop shows that it is possible.  Although the space may be small it should be adequate.  

A plywood gusset would be attached to the side of the hatch.  This would lift when the hatch is lifted and would provide the sides of the upper area.  The panel across the top of the area folds down when the hatch is down and lifts up when the hatch is up. 

The view below shows the basic layout with a small vanity and a commercial  porta-poti.

The woman in the picture is 5' 10" tall.

Here is a view from the cabin.   But of course a view is not what you want.  What about privacy?   A sliding panel can be installed.  There is space beside the poti for this.  In this view the panel would slide from left to right to close and form a door. 

In the sketch below I have increased the size of the side gusset  to provide some shade and wind  protection to the galley.  It also shows one possible lay out for a galley.

The galley includes a sink , a recessed camp stove, and a slide out for the ice chest / cooler.

To close up the Stand Up TD first the center panel is laid down and the cooler is stowed.

Then the hatch is lowered.  Everything is snug and ready for the road trip.

Here is the view from the road side

If this were built using a standard axel, the axel under-carriage would have to placed in front of the foot well.  Another possibility would be to place the axel behind the foot well, but this would increase the tongue weight unnecessarily.  

Dual, bolt-on torsion axels could be used.  These could be placed  along the mid- point axis of the foot well, providing better overall balance and trailer performance when on the road.   Moving the torsion axels a few inches toward the rear would make a noticeable difference.  Trailer sway could be eliminated and adjustments could be made for correct tongue weight if torsion axels were used.  

Another version of the Stand Up TD includes an inside table.   the vanity and porta-poti are replaced with two trunk seats with storage below.  Between them is a table top.

This design also includes a pass through window. A drop down screen, held in place by simple Velcro fasteners, keeps the bugs out.  This windows provides great ventilation as well as a view when seated inside. Lift the screen and pass a sandwich through or a glass of ice tea.

In the morning when you want to stand up to pull on your pants, just drop the table top.  It is hinged to the back wall.  After you are dressed you can have breakfast inside if it is raining  or cool outside.


The Stand Up  Teardrop design is under © copyright 11/ 1/2006.  

Please contact me if you are interested in developing the Stand Up Teardrop design.

©   2006 by Man of the Cloth Productions

Zephyr Teardrop Journal    

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